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Photo by Richard Hurd

Ford Motor Company donates to Nationwide Trophy Recycling Program

For over 30 years Total Awards & Promotions has been accepting old trophies that people couldn’t throw away but wanted them to have a second life. They recycled the parts and re-gifted some to non profits.
In 2007 it became the Nationwide Trophy Recycling Program that would ‘Pay it Forward’ to nonprofits across the country.
Every day boxes full of people’s trophies, medals and awards are received that are then recycled and reused. This saves all the marble from going to the landfill as well as rods, nuts, columns, and figures. Those parts are then remade into new trophies that are donated for free to 501c3′s nationwide.
The recycling program supports nonprofits by giving them awards and recognition they don’t have a budget to purchase. This allows them to recognize volunteers, award members, sponsors, and give out at fund raising events.
This year the Ford Motor Company found the Trophy Recycling Program and is donating thousands of certificate holders, diploma covers, and certificate plaques, to give to nonprofits.
With a certificate holder you can give the recipient more than just a piece of paper, but something that they can actually hang on the wall or upright on their desk.
In order to help support the program the company will be selling a portion of the certificate holders to the public. The proceeds will help support the trophy recycling program and help ‘Pay it Forward’ to nonprofits everywhere.
If your nonprofit could use certificate holders, awards, and recognition, give us a call today to discuss the options.